❤ Whats - Bubble Chat ❤
Whats - Bubble Chat is a messanger for whatsapp chat and conversations. WhatsBubble brings chat bubble/chat heads for social messaging apps.
Whats - Bubble Chat brings messenger like bubble chat / heads to WhatsApp!
Incoming Notification will be displayed in a bubble. The Notification content will be display in a popup window which also has a direct reply facility.
Whatschat brings messenger like chat bubble for WhatsApp.
Whats chat bubble is the fastest way to get your notifications at the right time.
PopApp delivers your notifications instantly, so you can always be updated.
Tap a notification to immediately answer or swipe to dismiss.
Whats - Bubble Chat Features:-
☛ Bubble grouping.
☛ Preview messages.
☛ Reply to messages.
☛ Quickly open conversation.
☛ Smooth animations.
☛ Setup in a few clicks.
☛ Change theme color.
☛ Cool User Interface.
☛ Incognito Chat Mode - No Last Seen.
☛ New Emoji Available.
☛ Bubble Customization.
☛ Window Theme & Background Customization.
☛ Manage All Chats At One Place.
Whats - Bubble Chat also known as PopApp for WhatsApp, popup chat for whatsapp, bubble chat for whatsapp, whatschat, whats chat, bubble chat, bubblechat for whatsapp etc.
Whats Chat Bubble application does not store your personal data.
None of your personal data are collected, transmitted or sold to any person.
Whats Chat Bubble run completely offline. App just uses internet connection to display advertises.
Permissions :
INTERNET :- To display advertises.
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW :- To display popup windows on device.
VIBRATE :- To vibrate device on remove popup window.
Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated in any way with WhatsApp Inc. Its made for entertainment purposes only.
Thanks for Download!
❤ Whats - Bubble Chat ❤
Whats - Bubble Chat adalah pengirim pesan untuk percakapan dan obrolan whatsapp. WhatsBubble membawa gelembung obrolan / kepala obrolan untuk aplikasi perpesanan sosial.
Whats - Bubble Chat menghadirkan messenger seperti bubble chat / head ke WhatsApp!
Pemberitahuan yang masuk akan ditampilkan dalam gelembung. Konten Pemberitahuan akan ditampilkan di jendela sembulan yang juga memiliki fasilitas balasan langsung.
Whatschat membawa pesan seperti gelembung obrolan untuk WhatsApp.
Gelembung obrolan Whats adalah cara tercepat untuk mendapatkan notifikasi pada waktu yang tepat.
PopApp mengirimkan pemberitahuan Anda secara instan, sehingga Anda selalu dapat diperbarui.
Ketuk pemberitahuan untuk segera menjawab atau menggesek untuk mengabaikan.
Whats - Fitur Bubble Chat: -
☛ Pengelompokan gelembung.
☛ Pratinjau pesan.
☛ Membalas pesan.
☛ Buka percakapan dengan cepat.
☛ Animasi halus.
☛ Atur dalam beberapa klik.
☛ Ubah warna tema.
☛ Antarmuka Pengguna yang Keren.
☛ Mode Obrolan Penyamaran - Tidak Terlihat Terakhir.
☛ Emoji Baru Tersedia.
☛ Kustomisasi Gelembung.
☛ Tema Jendela & Kustomisasi Latar Belakang.
☛ Kelola Semua Obrolan Di Satu Tempat.
Whats - Bubble Chat juga dikenal sebagai PopApp untuk WhatsApp, popup chat untuk whatsapp, bubble chat untuk whatsapp, whatschat, whats chat, bubble chat, bubblechat untuk whatsapp dll
Aplikasi Whats Chat Bubble tidak menyimpan data pribadi Anda.
Tidak ada data pribadi Anda yang dikumpulkan, dikirim, atau dijual kepada siapa pun.
Whats Chat Bubble berjalan sepenuhnya offline. Aplikasi hanya menggunakan koneksi internet untuk menampilkan iklan.
INTERNET: - Untuk menampilkan iklan.
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: - Untuk menampilkan jendela sembulan pada perangkat.
Getar: - Untuk menggetarkan perangkat saat menghapus jendela sembulan.
Penafian: Aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi dengan WhatsApp Inc., dibuat hanya untuk tujuan hiburan.
Terima kasih sudah mengunduh!
❤ Whats - Bubble Chat ❤
Whats - Bubble Chat is a messanger for whatsapp chat and conversations. WhatsBubble brings chat bubble/chat heads for social messaging apps.
Whats - Bubble Chat brings messenger like bubble chat / heads to WhatsApp!
Incoming Notification will be displayed in a bubble. The Notification content will be display in a popup window which also has a direct reply facility.
Whatschat brings messenger like chat bubble for WhatsApp.
Whats chat bubble is the fastest way to get your notifications at the right time.
PopApp delivers your notifications instantly, so you can always be updated.
Tap a notification to immediately answer or swipe to dismiss.
Whats - Bubble Chat Features:-
☛ Bubble grouping.
☛ Preview messages.
☛ Reply to messages.
☛ Quickly open conversation.
☛ Smooth animations.
☛ Setup in a few clicks.
☛ Change theme color.
☛ Cool User Interface.
☛ Incognito Chat Mode - No Last Seen.
☛ New Emoji Available.
☛ Bubble Customization.
☛ Window Theme & Background Customization.
☛ Manage All Chats At One Place.
Whats - Bubble Chat also known as PopApp for WhatsApp, popup chat for whatsapp, bubble chat for whatsapp, whatschat, whats chat, bubble chat, bubblechat for whatsapp etc.
Whats Chat Bubble application does not store your personal data.
None of your personal data are collected, transmitted or sold to any person.
Whats Chat Bubble run completely offline. App just uses internet connection to display advertises.
Permissions :
INTERNET :- To display advertises.
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW :- To display popup windows on device.
VIBRATE :- To vibrate device on remove popup window.
Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated in any way with WhatsApp Inc. Its made for entertainment purposes only.
Thanks for Download!